$ 0.018 0.00%

XtraBYtes (XBY) Rank 4125

Market Cap $0.000
Volume 24H 0 XBY
Open 24H $0.018
Low/High $0.018 - $0.018
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XtraBYtes is a PoSign (Proof of Signature) cryptocurrency meaning that it does not need a miner to verify the blocks. XtraBYtes was rebranded from Bitmox, an ICO project that ended up being abandoned and then picked up by the current XBY devs.

Mkt.Cap $ 0.00000000 Volume 24H 0.00000000 XBY
Market share 0% Total Supply 650 M XBY
Proof type PoSign Open $ 0.02
Low $ 0.02 High $ 0.02
Date Price Volume

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